compliance training, international trade law, page fura

Compliance Training

Maintaining a well-informed workforce is essential to ensuring on-going compliance with the laws and regulations governing international trade. Besides providing internal professionals with the tools they need to ably perform their jobs, educating those individuals also demonstrates to governing agencies companies' commitment to a robust system of internal controls.

At Page•Fura, P.C., we understand these dual requirements by delivering concise, practical training tailored to a company's specific needs. Whether provided on an enterprise-wide or more-targeted basis, our training provides the information necessary to comply with today's ever-changing legal landscape.

Below are some of the key focus areas on which we provide training. Training can be provided in either the U.S. or abroad and on either an issue-specific or combined basis.

Compliance Training Key Focuses:

General Import Compliance
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A solid understanding of the key terms and concepts involved when importing into the United States is crucial to the establishment of compliant import program. Our training reviews all of the areas of significance to an importer to assist in the development of a comprehensive system of internal controls in accordance with CBP's reasonable care standard.
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CBP Assessments, Audits & Reviews.
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CBP uses a variety of tools in evaluating an importer's compliance with its import obligations. Whether through a full-blown Focused Assessment, a more targeted Risk Analysis & Survey Assessment ("RASA"), a Stratified Review or an Importer Premises Visit, importers need to be prepared. Our training dissects CBP's approach when validating an importer's system of internal controls, including a review of formalized policies & procedures, the conduct of interviews and a selective transactional audit in preparation for an impending review or simply to "be ready" if and when CBP comes calling.
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Customs Valuation/Related Party Considerations
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No compliance area is as complex and presents as much risk to an importer as ensuring that the proper valuation is declared at the time of entry. Even greater risk is presented where related parties are involved. Our training is targeted to those functions most engaged in a company's purchasing, pricing and payment determinations to ensure a sound understanding in the intricacies of customs valuation.
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Tariff Classification & Engineering
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The tariff classification assigned for entry purposes is based on the condition of the merchandise at its time of importation. That classification is determined based on a number of factors, including composition, use, cost and relative complexity/dedication to a specific purpose. We provide training to new technology/product engineers, sourcing personnel, compliance professionals and other internal or external resources involved in companies' product development/design area to arrive at the classification that should be used at the time of entry.
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Free Trade Agreements & Preference Programs
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Free Trade Agreements and Preference Programs each come with their own unique set of rules that must be satisfied for an importer to take advantage of their benefits. CBP has recently enhanced its scrutiny of importers' use of these vehicles so ensuring familiarity with their requirements is essential to the exercise of reasonable care. We conduct training on the legalities of these agreements/programs, as well as provide insight into the mechanisms importers can implement to promote on-going compliance.
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General Export Compliance
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Export control agencies worldwide have increased their focus on export compliance through community outreach/educational programs and more-stringent enforcement policies. Whether presented as part of a comprehensive export control program or on a stand-alone basis, our training is designed to educate all areas of a company involved in export activities to better-sensitize those professionals to their responsibilities when exporting from the United States.
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Deemed Exports & Re-Exports
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For companies either operating internationally or employing a global workforce, understanding the subtleties of the United States' deemed export and re-export controls is essential to maintaining compliance with the extraterritorial reach of U.S. law. We perform training in both the United States and abroad to increase companies' awareness to these requirements and help avoid even inadvertent violations of their conscripts.
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Border Security
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Both prospective and current participants in CBP's CTPAT, Canada's PIP, the European Union's AEO or any of the other security protocols recently developed by governing federal agencies are expected to maintain constant vigilance over their product supply chain through increased operational security and employee/supplier awareness. We provide training to companies' internal personnel and external business partners to ensure that they are informed about these programs' requirements and have implemented a rigorous policy for protecting both their cargo and overall operations against a security breach.
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